I didn't get to actually see them filming (which I was really bummed about, because I would have loved to meet the actors), but I did get to see a few of the sets. They have filmed a few scenes in the Wilmington airport where I landed (but of course didn't get any pictures of). There's also a store called "Clothes over Bros" that one of the people on the show own. It's not a real store, it's just used for filming. I got a picture of that with my phone, but I don't know how to get that one on the blog.
Lastly...there was some drama last season on the show. There is a basketball court call the "rivercourt" where they play alot, and hang out alot. We were at the courthouse looking across the river and Abby told me that's where she saw them filming last time. I was convinced that HAD to be the rivercourt, so we drove across the bridge to check it out. IT WAS!!! Last season a girl (who is an artist on the show-her name's Peyton and she's my FAVORITE character) decided to show her love for a boy by painting a message across the river court. When we got to the court the message was still painted on there! That was how I new for sure this was the set! The picnic table that they like to sit on and talk was there too, and I sat on that table!! I've never been so excited in my whole life!!

Across the painting on the rivercourt was an asteroid. This hasn't happened on the tv show yet, so I'm guessing I've seen a sneak preview of the season yet to come! The show starts back in September and I can't wait! I've bought some of the old seasons and realize they shoot a lot of the show downtown. I never thought I would recognize so many places on the show! It was AWESOME!