Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Soaking Up Some Rays

The sun has finally come out!!! We had a few days of sunshine, followed by a lot of days of rain, and now we're back to sunshine for a few days!! I can't wait for summer! Here are some pics of Sophi soaking up some rays in the backyard.

I got caught taking pictures, even though I was inside the house!! She must have super hearing!

This last picture is of a close call we had. Justin was helping me split some wood and when he brought down the axe to split the wood it slid off and cut this hole in his jeans. I told him he was very lucky it wasn't his leg that was cut off!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun in the Snow with Sophi-VIDEOS

I also took a few videos when we were playing in the snow...actually I guess Justin did most of the work with the videos and pics, but still... The first one is of Sophi burying her face in the snow. She loves to just leave her nose in the snow for a while for some reason. The second one is Sophi running on top of the wood pile to get her treat. The last one is for dad...it's the first log I split all by myself!!!! I thought he would be proud of his outdoorsy girl. This axe was about 14 pounds so it was really hard to use. Justin got me a new axe that weighs about 4 pounds and it's much, much, MUCH easier!!! I could chop wood all day probably (not really, but I do think it's pretty fun and it's a good workout).

Fun in the Snow with Sophi-PICS

So...about a month or so ago we got a TON of snow...then we got a TON more snow!!! These pictures are from the first TON of snow we got. I bundled up and went outside with Sophi who absolutely LOVES the snow!! She's definitely made for the colder weather! Please look how deep the snow is and keep in mind we ended up getting about another 8 inches later that week!!! All this snow is the reason the cover is coming off my pool!!

The snow is as tall as Sophi's legs!

I ended up picking Sophi up and throwing her in the snow.

I smooshed a bunch of snow in Sophi's face...EAT THAT!

That would be a snowball mid-air!

This is Sophi standing on top of my massive pile of wood (which I've already burned most of). Video about this in the next post!

This isn't very clear because I took the pic while driving down the highway, but I wanted you to know what the trees look like with all the snow on them.

Again, taken while driving.