Thursday, August 11, 2011

Glee Movie Premier

My friend Ashleigh had some tickets (and a whole grab bag of goodies) to see a special showing of the Glee 3D Concert Movie before it officially comes out to the public. Ashleigh had her wisdom teeth removed and still wasn't feeling well the day of the showing, so she offered the tickets to me to take Megan to see it. (Just FYI...Megan is the granddaughter of someone I work with in the office. She's 10 years old and actually one of my best friends here!! We love to do things together!) The experience was a lot of fun! We showed up early and waited in line all decked out in our Glee stuff. Megan tried to embarrass me by making me walk around the mall wearing all the glee was so fun! If I had thought about it earlier, we would have worn the Glee shirts we made for our slumber party, but we didn't think of that until it was too late. There was really no need to wait in line because there were all of 30 people there to see the movie and the theater was not full at all, but it was all part of the experience! Here are a few pictures (taken from my phone) of us waiting!