Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So, I've been tagged by Klee and here are the rules (copied from Klee's page!!) :)

Tag Rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on the blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

I can list six random things about myself, but Klee's the only blogger I know! I hope it's not like a chain letter where you get bad luck when you break it because I could be up a creek!

Six Random Things About Me!
1. I'm WAY too obsessed with water, dolphins, whales, etc. (I probably should have been a marine biologist).

2. Those of you who have known me for a while know that I had this HUGE obsession with NSYNC that I've never fully grown out of.

3. Like Klee, I too am a little obsessed with Vera fact, I just bought the wristlet a couple days ago!

4. I don't want Josh and Klee to move...I just might have to follow them.

5. I am the Queen of Cell phones at Wright State University.

6. I love to play games...board and card games are my favs.

Guess that's it! I don't have anyone to tag though because I'm pretty sure I can't retag Klee!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Just for Mom first of all, I know I promised pictures of my friends coming over to hang out, but I guess I jinxed myself that day because no one came!!!!

So, this next post is a little weird. I was talking to mom on the phone and she said she was going to send me this dark blue nail polish that looks real good on everyone. She said my aunt Sherry got it and it looked great. So, in the spirit of being adventurous in the meantime...I bought some real cheap green polish. (My reasoning behind this is that my swimsuit is blue and green, so having both would be good).

So, here are pics of my green toes. I'm pretty sure they make me look like I'm 12 years old...but they were fun!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!

So, the good thing about living in such a big town is that there are TONS of options when it comes to watching firecrackers. I've been 3 different places now, and I loved them! I picked a place close to my house (and the SONIC near me) so maybe I wouldn't have to fight traffic. Plus I wanted a slushie, because last night felt like the perfect night for one! Here are some pics of the firecrackers I saw, and a pic of me and Justin watching them. Not as good as Niagara Falls, but pretty good for less than 5 minutes from my house!

P.S. Thanks mom and dad for the old computer! It works great! I finally have the internet! Thus, my official first blog from home! I'm having a couple friends over tonight, so watch for the next post! :)